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My name is Tiffany and I am the owner of Maka Wellness, a Integrative Health Coaching service. I am so pleased you are here and I look forward to helping you get to the root of your health issues. I completely understand that it's never a straightforward path, but I am here to guide you along the way as we tackle one issue at a time. 

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My Story

“Money is the most envied but the least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed but the least envied.” – Charles Caleb

     I feel many of us have grown up with the misleading guidance that money makes us happy or is the answer to happiness. Especially in America where we chase this dream of making a living that can change our families lives, no matter the cost it has on our health and wellbeing, its just the sacrifices we must make to get that break. Sadly, this is true in some cases where there is little choice, however this does not have to be the story for many of us.

     It took me years to realise all the “successful” people I knew in my twenties were actually stressed out, burnt out and unhappy. I use to cringe when people asked me what I did for a living because I wasn’t a doctor, lawyer, or anything else “valued” in society. What I also learned was that its hard to be happy when we are sick, tired, stressed and/or injured. But sadly our society still doesn’t operate in health care, they work on a basis of sick care.

     After years of doing massage therapy (inspired by spinal issues as a child), studying business, travelling, and working a variety of jobs trying to find that spark of what I wanted to be, but what society would also praise, I landed on what I felt was one of the missing pieces in our current health care system, an Integrative health practitioner certification.

     Its not a Doctor or even a nurses program, but what it does have is the ability to focus on the root cause of health issues and how we can unravel them, and truly begin to heal. After getting the run around by a Drs in my early thirties, where I was seeking answers about my hormonal and mental health, all I got offered was birth control pills. They never asked me once about my past menstrual health, they never offered guidance or a specialist that could help, I left feeling extremely frustrated. I cried because I felt I wasn’t being heard or listened to, and I decided the only person who was going to help me was myself.

     I started to delve deep into hormonal health and its affects on mental wellbeing, which took me down a rabbit hole (which I am still journeying down) and landed me where I am today. Helping other women (and some men!) feel heard and feel like they are being assessed on all areas of their health from mental to emotional and physical wellbeing.

     What I have discovered so far is how stress is connected to everything in our bodies, how inflammation and gut health are a great starting place, how sleep can unravel anyones wellbeing and how hormone health needs more attention then it gets.

     So I’m on a mission to help people get answers to their most pressing health concerns and I work closely with each individual, providing steadfast support and equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to manage their health concerns. I understand that starting a journey towards better health can be overwhelming, and many of my clients initially lack confidence in making significant changes. As a dedicated Integrative health coach, I hope to empower my clients by instilling renewed confidence and enthusiasm for long-term health. I combine my profound understanding, genuine enthusiasm, and passion for integrative health to help people become the best versions of themselves.


Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my services or how I can help.

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